Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Arrow Season 1 Episode 23: “Sacrifice” Promo

In the latest episode of Arrow Episode 23 “Darkness on the Edge of Town”, Malcolm dons his black hood to conclude business with seismologist Dr. Brion Markov and his team. Oliver and Moira entertain a number of surprises - and mostly unwelcome - visitors. Hooded disagreement at home and the Meryln Global Group reveal dark secrets. Meanwhile, Roy and Thea are still looking out for a hero. Laurel makes a decision after Tommy's revelation. In a flashback to the island, Oliver, Slade and Shado fight back to put off Fyers from shooting a Ferris Air jet out of the sky. You may visit to view the full video of this episode and watch Arrow Episode 23 online.  

You may check out Arrow Episode 23 “Sacrifice” promo;

Next Wednesday Episode 23, Oliver and Diggle race to stop the Dark Archer from unleashing his revenge on The Glades. However, they run into a roadblock after Detective Lance picks up Felicity for questioning. Tommy and Oliver's already tumultuous relationship takes a turn for the worse after Oliver makes a declaration of guilt about Laurel. After hearing of the danger in The Glades, Thea races to find Roy, unintentionally putting herself directly in the line of fire for Malcolm's deceitful plan. On the island, Oliver, Slade and Shado are locked in a life-or-death move violently against Fyers as his missiles lock on a full Ferris Air jetliner.

Once again, Arrow and the Dark Archer face off, who will win this time? Except Diggle also wants to stop the Dark Archer too but the question is who will get to him first. Thrilled yet? Well, you should be ‘coz this is the Finale episode that everyone worth waiting for. To watch Arrow Episode 23 online visit that you could enjoy with the full episode. Visit to get updated with the latest and hottest spoilers that you may enjoy with full details of Arrow.

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