Monday, 1 April 2013

Arrow Episode 19 “Unfinished Business” Guide and Promo

Check out the new episode guide for the upcoming episode 19 “Unfinished Business” of Arrow this coming Wednesday, and sure that it will be fun episode especially now that The Count will be coming back to finish the unfinished business against Arrow. To watch Arrow Episode 19 online you may visit to view the full episode.

When a young woman meets a violent death after revelry at Verdant, Detective Lance and his new partner, Detective Hilton notify Oliver and Tommy that she was on the drug Vertigo. Oliver immediately pays a visit to the mental organization where The Count is locked up, but finds he is in no condition to deal drugs. Though, when The Count escapes and Starling City is flooded with even more Vertigo-related aggression, Oliver and Diggle make it their mission to track him down. After Detective Lance uncovers incriminating evidence against him, Tommy goes to great lengths to clear his name, and the fight from his actions leads Tommy down a new, unforeseen path. In a flashback to the island, Oliver recalls the lessons he learned from Slade and Shado.

The video here below provides the preview for the upcoming episode that you will surely get excited.

Haven’t seen the previous episode of Arrow? You may visit to watch Arrow Episodes online where you could enjoy watching the full episodes. This episode is entitled as “Salvation” whereas an angry resident of The Glades who calls himself "The Savior” embarks on a kidnapping and killing spree to punish those he believes have wronged the residents of his neighborhood. To make things worse, he broadcasts these murders online and claims he was inspired by Arrow’s vigilantism. Oliver is disgusted by this statement and vows to stop “The Savior,” but his manhunt in strengthened after Thea comes to him in tears and tell him Roy has been kidnapped. Laurel is surprised when her father starts to believe her mother’s claim that Sara is still alive. In the meantime, Malcom tells Moira to find the person accountable for his attempted murder.

Here in you may get all the updates for Arrow such as the hottest and latest spoilers that you'll surely love to know.

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