The chance of Colton Haynes Season 2 is still uncertain…
Guggenheim affirmed “I hope so, but it’s the Pilot Season. That’s the thing, so
a lot of it depends on stuff that out of our control at the moment. But, look.
We love Coltom. We would love Colton. We would love for him to be on the show as
much as he wants to stay on the show.” Guggenheim also added that we’ll see him
as Roy again “Episode 18 is next episode you’ll see him in. Colton is
wonderful, and his scenes with Thea are just tremendous. Willa and Colton, on
screen together, is a lot of fun, and they’re fun to write.”
What to expect in the final-half of the season… Episode 18
will explain a lot. He thinks that Episode 18 is well-positioned, because it
sets up everything that we’re headed in the finale, but it also draws on the
seeds that we’ve planted back in Episode 2 and 3. And we’ll get see how
everything connects together. All of those are the little things that we’ve
been throwing out there that may have seemed random or unintentional… which
they always had planned and a rationale behind them. For me, the fun stuff is
paying off… I’ll say this Unidac Industries is not just a random presence, and
that was something that we introduced in the San Diego Comic Con comic. It was
first mentioned in Episode 3, but it’s very important in the overall mythology
of the show.”
Yes, Ladies! We’ll be seeing more of Slade! “Definitely, we love
Slade, we love Manu Bennett. You’ll see him; he plays a huge part in the
mythology of the island, and just like in the present day, we’re driving to a
big finale on the island as well. The flashbacks will have their own sort of
season finale storyline.”
We all know now that both Alex Kingston and John Barrowman
are on the show and was previously, Marc dished if they would be sharing any
scenes together… “Not unless we change things pretty unexpectedly. We tried
figuring out ways to get them together, because of the Doctor Who connection.
We really, really wanted to, but there’s no point in doing it, unless it’s
going to be satisfying for the audience and work for the show. We don’t want to
force something just to force it, or do it just to be stunt-y. I wish I could
say yeah, but, unfortunately, no.”
And how about the Episode with the title of “Home Invasion”,
though Guggenheim don’t want to spoil it but he say that the title itself is
already a spoiler. So the chances that this episode is somehow actually involves
a real one is thick!
By the way my fellow Arrow lovers, It is now confirmed that Laurel
will become Black Canary… Yes, Laurel will turn into Black Canary, Guggenheim
assured, but the evolution must be “earned,” he said : “We don’t want to
disservice Laurel or Oliver by saying she could have a bad day, put on fishnets
and start killing people.”
The chance of Sara still alive, “Whenever a body doesn’t was
up on coastline after a boating accident, there is always a chance the person
will pop up alive at some point”. Berlanti explained that they sought to get to
the issue of whether Sara is alive this season. But Cassidy worried, “As if
Laurel doesn’t have it hard enough!” After she learned that Sara may be alive,
Cassidy had a hard time wrapping her head around after everything Laurel has
gone through. The come back of her mother, Dinah, disrupts life even more. “Her
mother kind of challenges her father and the dynamic within the family,” said
Cassidy. She also suspects that her mother has more information that we at
present know.
If you want to watch Arrow Episode 18 online you can surely
enjoy with the full and complete episodes here on niceseries.com. To get all
updates and spoiler news, you may visit arrowholic.blogspot.com with the full
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