Uh… Oh…! Huntress is back! She’ll be giving Oliver/Arrow a
headache with her coming back in action again in the new upcoming episode 17 “The
Huntress Returns”. While Diggle suggest that Arrow should take care of her, but
Oliver don’t want that to happen. So Arrow needs to find ways to make her stop,
before she gets killed. You may watch Arrow Episodes online with here us on niceseries.com to view the full episode of the Arrow.
So from the previous episode we’ve seen; Tommy celebrates his
birthday with his friends, Oliver, McKenna and with his girlfriend, Laurel;
Merlyn came in to greet Tommy happy and asks him to come to an event where Merlyn
is being honored for what he’s done to the Starling City, but Tommy refuses to
go which made Merlyn very disappointed. Meanwhile Oliver and Diggle learn that
Deadshot (guest star Michael Rowe) is still alive and his next target is
Malcom. And Oliver struggles to balance his new relationship with McKenna and
his duties as Arrow.
Now check out the next all new episode 17 “The Huntress
Returns” Promo:
Here’s the official synopsis of Episode 17; with his
nightclub set to open and a new romance brewing with McKenna, Oliver is as
happy as he’s been since returning to Starling City. But when Oliver’s ex, The
Huntress, abruptly returns to town, she threatens to destroy everything and
everyone he cares about. Meanwhile, Laurel and her father struggle with the
return of Dinah Lance who claims she has proof Sara is still alive. Thea gets
Roy Harper a job at Oliver’s club, but he’s not too tending to stop his life of
crime. Oliver and Tommy are thrilled they were able to get Steve Aoki to play
at the opening of their new nightclub, Verdant.
Are you excited to watch Arrow Episode 17 online here on niceseries.com
that you can enjoy the full episode with no hustle and all for free. You may
tune in here in arrowholic.blogspot.com to get updated with the latest and
hottest spoilers of Arrow.
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